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Monday, May 20, 2013

【Kuching|古晉】Sarawak Museum|沙勞越博物館

May 20, 2013, Monday
記得在古晉回來的時候,我寫了一篇總結的抱怨文,裡面有提到我去了一家博物館,因為是我自己本身的錯,沒有注意到不能拍照的標誌,所以才被工作人員破口大罵。 “破口大罵”這個字眼來形容,其實一點都不誇張,因為它即便引起了四面八方的參觀者的仰望,所以還不趕快刪照片離開,那還等什麼呢?

本身就愛逛博物館的我,想說既然在自己的國家,怎麼不看看道地的博物館呢? 只是沒想到發生了這麼粗心大意的事呢? 我是在住宿的佈告欄上看到這家博物館的介紹的,看起來不錯,所以早餐後就立即前往了。

博物館的周圍都有可以停放車子的地方,入場免費。 排除我自己迷糊的“拍照事件”,這個博物館其實還蠻值得參觀的,裡面有多不勝數的動物標本,當地人的文化,還有屋子的進展變化展示。。。假如不是我當時太丟臉的關係,這個地方起碼可以讓我待上兩個小時以上。


When I was back from Kuching last time, I did write a rant post about what had happened in Kuching. No doubt it, that was totally my fault, because I wasn't aware they've a signboard that mentioned "no photo taking allow". So due to the incident I delete all the pictures I took inside as a respect and left immediately. But I must clarify that beyond my incident, this museum is definitely is a nice place to visit when you've a chance to visit Kuching, they've bunch of interesting knowledge that you may gain during the visit. This building was built in 1908. Once used as administrative offics, it now displays a natural history collection. Among the items on the display are special collections found in Borneo such as skeletons of mammal, invertebrates, reptiles, birds, inserts, fishes and shells which have all been conserved.

Sarawak Museum
Jalan Tun Abang Haji Openg, Taman Budaya, 93400 Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia.
Weekdays: 9am–4:45pm; Weekend 10am–4pm

1 comment:

  1. Luckily you translate the post else I dunno what is it about except admiring some nice pics of a great building ! Yes, it’s indeed nice and pleasant there ! Are you still at home ?


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